Thursday, January 6, 2011

Shooting short

I've written a few short films over the last year, all with the idea to eventually shoot them. Some are just small stories that wont go past their short film life, others are short films written with the idea that they will be made into feature films.

I've decide that it's been too long between films for me, so I set some dates to shoot one of these stories and I'm aiming to get everything together in time. I have no money for it yet, its never easy to get funding for short films, but if gets shot with no money then at least it gets shot.

A good team of talented, motivated people is the most important part. So far there are some really talented people getting involved in this project which is great!

I'm still looking for cast at this stage, but I have a few people in mind, we'll see how it goes...

The sort will shot at the end of this month and edited, coloured etc by the end of Feb. It'll definitely be up on the net for all to see when done. I look forward to the feed back.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent! Looking forward to see what you come up with!
